

Would You Eat Surströmming?

Would You Eat Surströmming?

It’s considered to be so bad for you that the European Union is trying to ban it, but the smell can make you sick on its own.

Surströmming' – the rotten herring that Swedes love

Sweden (Part 11 – Surströmming [stinky fish], IKEA and National

How to Eat Surströmming (2023) - How2Tweaks

Swedish fish dish is so pungent it should be opened outdoors

To Eat or Not to Eat: Reddit Users Debate Foods They Cannot Stand

What does surstromming taste like? - Quora

Surströmming is famously disgusting. Here's all we know about it

Rigby's Encyclopaedia of the Herring SURSTRÖMMING - Rigby's

Surströmming or Sour Herring Season in Sweden 2024 –

Surströmming: Fermented Herring in Sweden

What does surströmming smell like? - SURSTRÖMMING - THE OFFICIAL STORE