

The Bell Curve and Cognitive Elites

The Bell Curve and Cognitive Elites

The average IQ of Ivy League college graduates such as Harvard and Princeton has increased in recent history from 120 to 142 - an extraordinary increase. This is the cognitive elite.

The Bell Curve, 20 years after

Charles Murray Bell Curve in Hour American Enterprise Institute - AEI

The Bell Curve - Rethinking Schools

On the Flynn Effect and Merit in Medicine – The Sheriff of Sodium

PDF] Investigating America's elite: Cognitive ability, education, and sex differences

The Bell Curve' in Perspective: Race, Meritocracy, Inequality and Politics

Intelligence Testing - Using Cognitive Ability Scores to Design Instruction

PDF) Politics and Intelligence: Running Against the Cognitive Elite

PDF] The Bell Curve of Intelligence, Economic Growth and Technological Achievement: How Robust is the Cross-Country Evidence?

Income Inequality and IQ, by Charles Murray

The causal influence of cognitive ability - Reason without restraint