

Piano droit métamorfoséador - Detail

Piano droit métamorfoséador - Detail

Instruments : Le piano

Upright pianoforte - Detail

Piano Droit Ébène 52po

The Revival Of The Duplex Coupler Grand Piano

Bartolomeo Cristofori, Grand Piano, Italian (Florence)

Frontiers, Contained-Reflected Megaturbidites of the Marnoso-arenacea Formation (Contessa Key Bed) and Helminthoid Flysches (Northern Apennines, Italy) and Hecho Group (South-Western Pyrenees)

Heigth (cm), 140, Width (cm), 150, Depth (cm), 55, Serial number, 3861, Year of construction, 1948, Shop, Veenendaal, Very special model

Rippen Maestro Special

Piano à queue pneumatique Pianola - Detail

MUSTAR MEP-1000, Digital Piano 88 Keys Electronic Keyboards, Semi Weig

piano vertical - Detail

Upright pianoforte - Detail