

Désinsectiseur électrique Halo Curve, EDN

Désinsectiseur électrique Halo Curve, EDN

Theory of optical axion electrodynamics and application to the Kerr effect in topological antiferromagnets

Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée - Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics

HaloEQ Mobile Halotherapy System - Equine Salt Systems

Pièges à mouches : quels sont les meilleurs ?

HaloEQ Mobile Halotherapy System - Equine Salt Systems

Encircled Energy and Ensquared Energy on LensCheck™ Lens Measurement Systems - Optikos

From LEP to the FCC-ee, a great leap in precision

The spin-polarized dwell time in a parallel double δ-magnetic-barrier nanostructure

Extended Bose–Hubbard model with dipolar excitons

PMT Corporation - Quality Medical Products and Devices for Neurosurgery, Orthopedeic, Plastic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Micropigmentation and Demabrasion

Halo 15 - Lodi-hygiène